
In 2017, a mass marriage of 104 differently abled couples in Ujjain Madhya Pradesh, India has found a place in the Golden Book of World Records.
Golden Book officials presented a certificate to the Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Thawar Chand Gehlot and District Collector Sanket Bhondve.
77 Hindu, 26 Muslim and one Sikh couple tied the knot during the event.

A group of 404 people gathered in Toronto on March 28, 2017, to set the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people dressed as Albert Einstein, and it was all for a good cause.
Everyone who showed up to the MaRS Discovery District donned a blazer, necktie, and a big white wig paired with a white mustache— basically the famous German-born physicist’s go-to style. They may not have developed the theory of relativity, but they sure looked the part. The group bested the previous record of 99 people.
Beyond the whole record-breaking aspect, the event served another purpose: to launch the this year’s Next Einstein competition. The contest—which began in 2013—is open to anyone with “ideas that make the world a better place.” The winner also gets $10,000 to turn their idea into reality. The deadline to enter is April 25, and the winner will be announced on June 6.

62 people formed the largest underwater human pyramid. The stunt was organized by Tyler Reiser, Manolo Cabasal (USA), and John Shaddick (Australia) in Mango Bay, Koh Tao, Thailand on October 15, 2013.

Everybody loves Harry Potter. In fact, 521 people love it so much that they decided to get together dressed as its main character. The participants put on wizards’ hats, Hogwarts uniforms and glasses to complete the effect.
The record attempt took place in celebration of World Book Day in March 2015 and was achieved by Tanbridge House School (UK) in Horsham, West Sussex, UK.

The most people performing a kata is 3,973. This was achieved by Prefectural Government of Okinawa and Society for the Advancement of Traditional Okinawa Karate in Naha, Okinawa, Japan, on October 23, 2016.
Karate practitioners of all ages performed the most basic kata in Okinawan Karate known as “fukyu-gata 1.” October 23rd is known as “Karate Day” in Okinawa.

In 2011, 2,226 people assembled at a park in Mahwah, New Jersey, to form the largest smiley face composed of human bodies, which was nearly triple the previous record, set earlier that same year in Croatia.
Though officials from the Guinness Book of World Records were not on site, photos and counts from the night were submitted to the record-keeping agency, and the record was declared official after the calculations were verified.

While donning red, black, and white long-sleeved shirts, 13,892 people formed the largest human no smoking sign at the Bicol University football field on June 28, 2013 in the Philippines.
Joseph Espiritu, who was in charge of preparing for the event, said the “no smoking” sign was made up of government employees, soldiers, police, students, and volunteers.

A rainbow chain of 423 arm-linked Massey University students rose up simultaneously in a Guinness World Record-breaking event on the Oval at the Manawatū campus in February 2017.
In a show of carefully coordinated timing and strength, students broke the current world record of 118 armed-linked people to stand up simultaneously.
The world record attempt attracted hordes of mostly first year students. Participants had to practice the slightly tricky move of crouching back-to-back in two long rows, locking arms with the person next to them, then lifting themselves to a standing position in sync with the crowd. Before the attempt, they watched as athletes demonstrated the best technique to ensure success.

The largest pillow fight was held with 6,261 participants and was organized by My Pillow (USA) in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, in July 2015.
The attempt took place during a St. Paul Saints’ game at CHS Field. Actor Stephen Baldwin and the inventor of My Pillow, Mike Lindell, were both present at the attempt.

Ok, this isn’t a Guinness record breaker, but it is a favorite here at Oddee.
In 2010, Japan successfully set a world orgy record with 250 men and 250 women as participants! The event was held in a warehouse with a professional camera crew taking pictures and recording the entire event. Each sex act and position was choreographed so that couples were simultaneous in their actions. Despite the “orgy” label, the 250 couples (all tested and STD-free) featured in the video have sex only with each other and not with any other couple. The entire event was available for purchase on DVD.