Germany is famous for its innovation in technology. Its scientists and researchers are working day and night to make new and productive innovations. From the last few years, a German organization was dealing with creating robotic birds and finally they were successful. These robotic birds can now take a flight for up to 7 minutes and their creators couldn’t be happier.
Robotic birds taking a flight
These robotic birds are given the name of BionicSwift. They weigh 42grams and are designed in a way that they can easily take a flight for a few minutes. Basically, the German organization named Festo has created them in a way that they have a lot of feathers but due to them being very light in weight, it is possible for them to fly for a bit.
Robotic birds take off the ground
German building organization Festo has made automated winged birds prepared to do incredibly sensible but small flights. The firm recognizes that the Robo-flying creatures don’t have any business applications yet. However, trusts one could be found in the future.
Since the future would be full of robots and machines, so these robotic birds will definitely come in handy. Right now this organization is making sure that they keep testing these birds. The purpose is that they find out more about them. They are conducting workshops and meetings to be able to increase the duration of the flight. But at the same time, they think that for a starter. 7 minutes of flight for a mechanical bird is more than enough.

Benefits of robotic birds
As mentioned earlier, it is not decided what sort of function will be performed by these kinds of birds but their creators are sure that the world will be needing them in the future. The birds fly for about 7 minutes and they are also equipped with a GPS device. This helps them in locating the direction so that they can move on their own without colliding with anything.
Feat claims that these robotic birds are can be used for sending and receiving messages or signals of some sort. Other than this they can also be used for recording stuff and act as spy cams etc. In short, the German organization is very positive about these robotic birds. The company thinks that they will be of great help in the future.
Although Festo has constructed some other sorts of robots previously. Yet nothing very like these feathered creatures, which can also take flight. They are different from other robots since they look like a bird. That is one of the main reasons why they are getting more popular day by day. Ever since they are created and the news is shared by the German media. These robotic birds are in limelight and getting too much attention. Their creators have claimed that they will not stop at this point. In fact, they will work harder and make more such robots and mechanical devices.

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