This tablet was made in 3100 B.C. in the old Mesopotamian city of Uruk in Iraq and is now considered to be 5000 years old. Recently it was purchased by a well off American authority for $230,000, and the reason for it being so expensive is that it is thought to be the first known signature of history.
The table was a piece of the private Schøyen Collection, which is an assortment of tablets and compositions going back to antique recorded history. It is not unique and has primitive values attached to it, but it also has nitty-gritty engraving all over it. The fact is that it holds the world’s first known signature makes it even more significant.
Old City Of Uruk
Israeli creator Y. N. Harari, who composed the book named, A Brief History of Humankind, noticed that the engravings on this antique tablet say “29,086 measures barley, 37 months Kushim.”
A little more research proved that this receipt was used as a part of the trade. Back in the days, barley was used for blending Sumerian brew. There were other written pieces on the tablet which showed the industrial process of the entire operation. The cycle seems to happen in a sanctuary in Mesopotamia around 3,100 B.C. All of these things date back to 5000 years ago when there was no sign of any modern-day technology.

This critical piece of history is estimated to be three-by-three inches and was recently sold in an auction sale in Bloomsbury, UK. The person who arranged the auction said it was such an important day for him. According to him, there were a lot of people who were interested in buying this historical piece, but of course, it could go to only one person. He further added that such antique items are our way to find our ancestors and their values. These little things hold great importance for us and once we are gone our youngsters will find out about us through these signs.
Other than this one, some other tablets have also been found in Sumer, which is the most recent known development in the area of antiquated Mesopotamia. One Sumerian tablet shows individuals drinking brew through a long straw.
This ancient rarity which is the first known signature of history was supposed to be sold for about £90,000, which roughly makes up to$200,000. This cost was estimated by the person who arranged the auction and by the great archaeologists. But when the bidders arrived, they seemed to be very interested in this historical item that they started bidding high. In the end, it was given to a private American authority for $230,000. Now the scientists and archaeologists believe that it will be preserved for a lifetime as the company who bought it has ensured to keep it as much safe as possible so that our coming generations can also know about this ancient and unique receipt.

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