In a bizarre turn of events, an estranged British couple, known only as Mr. and Mrs. Williams, saw their 21-year marriage unexpectedly end in divorce due to a clerical error by a London law firm, Vardags.
The couple had been in the process of finalizing their divorce, having separated in 2023, and were navigating the financial aspects of their separation. However, the proceedings took an unexpected turn when a mistake by the wife’s representatives at Vardags resulted in the accidental finalization of their divorce.
A Couple’s Unwanted Divorce
The error occurred when lawyers at Vardags, led by the self-proclaimed “diva of divorce” Ayesha Vardag, mistakenly opened the Williams’ case file while working on another client’s divorce. Unaware of the mix-up, they proceeded to apply for a final divorce order for the Williams couple.
It was only two days later that the mistake was discovered, prompting Vardags to request the High Court to nullify the divorce. However, Andrew McFarlane, the president of the Family Division, rejected the appeal, citing the importance of respecting the finality of divorce orders and maintaining the established status quo.
Ayesha Vardag expressed her disagreement with McFarlane’s decision, arguing that the courts shouldn’t alter marital status based on a clerical error, whether made by the individual or their lawyer. She emphasized the principle of intention in law, which she believes should prevail in such cases.
In contrast, Julian Ribet, representing Mr. Williams through his firm Ribet Myles, supported the judge’s ruling. He asserted that despite the mistake made by the wife’s solicitors, it had been properly applied for and was therefore effective.
The unusual case highlights the potential consequences of administrative errors in legal proceedings, leaving the Williams couple unexpectedly divorced despite their ongoing negotiations regarding their marriage’s dissolution.
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