Park rangers at Saguaro National Park in Tucson, Arizona, have discovered a unique way to take advantage of the desert’s sweltering temperatures – baking banana bread in their patrol car!
The resourceful rangers documented their culinary experiment on Facebook, revealing that this wasn’t their first foray into solar-powered cooking.
New Way to bake Banana Bread in Arizona desert
“When it’s this hot,” they wrote, “the dashboard of a car can reach over 200°F in just an hour! We’ve baked cookies, bell peppers, and now banana bread – at work, of course!”
Their Facebook post included a photo series showcasing the banana bread’s progress as it basked in the Arizona desert. Temperatures inside the car skyrocketed to a staggering 211°F, while the outside air simmered at a mere 105°F.
While the experiment yielded (somewhat) edible banana bread, the rangers concluded,
“So far, cookies seem to be the best option for car baking.”
More importantly, they used the opportunity to deliver a crucial safety message: “People and pets? Absolutely not!“
Leaving a child or animal unattended in a hot car can be deadly. According to the National Safety Council, an average of 37 children under 15 die in the U.S. each year from heatstroke after being left in hot vehicles. The rangers emphasized the dangers of heatstroke, reminding park visitors that a car’s interior temperature can become life-threatening in just 10-20 minutes.
With excessive heat warnings in effect for Saguaro National Park in the Arizona desert, mirroring scorching temperatures across the country, the National Park Service (NPS) website ( offers vital safety tips:
- Take extra precautions when outdoors. Reschedule strenuous activities for cooler mornings or evenings.
- Recognize the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
- Stay hydrated with plenty of water.
- Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing.
So, while the park rangers’ solar-powered banana bread may be a creative (and slightly concerning) experiment, remember: safety comes first when battling the summer heat.
Also read, Florida Man’s Bizarre Penny Quest Ends in Police Pursuit.
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