
Kind time of day. In this article we will consider the operation of the system of non-cash payment for public transport from Sberbank. We check everything on Irkutsk transport.
If you have not read the first article, then I recommend that you first get acquainted with it. Saturday April 15 was a magical one for me. It was on this day that I noticed in the 67 bus a working terminal. It made me happy. Maybe of course the payment was launched earlier, because the last time on the “advanced” transport I went on Wednesday.
And now the moment of truth has come. I take out my contactless bank card, go to the front door and ask the driver: “Can I pay the card?”. To which I get the answer: “Yes. Do you have a card with WI-FI? “. A little unexpected. As I said in the previous article, many people have a contactless payment icon associated with WI-FI. You could certainly say: “I do not have a WI-FI card, but there is a contactless one.” But I, without becoming dedicated to the driver in technical details, trite answered: “Yes.”
The driver turned to me the terminal, pressed the green button, I attached the card. Not a second passed, as the check was useful. I tried to take the check. But his apparatus did not cut off. Therefore, quite a lot of paper was wasted, for which I received a portion of the mats from the driver and he tore off the check.
The difference in time of arrival of E-Mail and the time of printing a check amounted to a minute. I thought that most likely the mail server was late, and the operations are Online. But let’s not rush to conclusions.
In the evening I caught the coveted second tram, on the doors of which were all the stickers known to us. It is interesting that in the Trams and Trolley buses hang other posters, rather than in buses. Also the price is indicated when paying by card, which does not differ from cash payment.
The conductor in the tram goes with two devices: with the terminal and with the apparatus, for printing ordinary tickets. Showing the conductor a map, she was pleased to click on the green button, and I attached a card. Everything went just as quickly. This time the check was torn off by the conductor, but the terminal brand was the same, and most likely, he also does not cut the paper. I got my ticket with the phrase “Here, you see how fast.” Smiled. Indeed, to pay a card much faster than to suffer from trifles.
You can also notice that the checks are different from “shop” ones. In these checks, the type of transport and its route are indicated. But instead of the Sberbank logo, the inscription “Ticket” flaunts here.
Checking the E-Mail, I noticed that the letter came already 4 minutes later. This is no longer a delay. This really confirms that the operations take place in Offline. Also, if you enter your personal account on the Sberbank website, you can see that it is not the time of payment that was recorded, but the time when it arrived at the bank.
Unfortunately, Sberbank does not write in a private office the mode of transport. But it is displayed in Yandex.Money. Thus at a tram and the bus different MCC. By tram: 4111 Commuter Transport, Ferries [Транспортировка – пригородные и локальные сезонные транспортные средства, включая электрички]. And the bus already has this: 4131 Bus Lines [Автобусные линии]. Well, it is clear, the tram is more like a train. Although most likely terminals simply set up different organizations responsible for electricity and vehicles in Irkutsk.
Of course, there are also things that it is desirable to fix:
- Make sure that the terminals are hanging in buses closer to the passenger, and not in the driver’s cab.
- It is advisable, of course, that the terminal is always rotated by the screen to the passenger, and not to the driver. An inverted terminal is associated with the fact that it does not work.
- To make automatic cutting of a check, it is not very convenient to detach a check for each passenger.
- For transport with conductors it is desirable to reduce the terminal in thickness (there are mobile versions and thinner). It is also desirable to combine in one device a terminal and an apparatus for printing ordinary tickets.
- Make a green hawk more, and do not hammer it in the corner under the cover. Otherwise, you can miss, and bring down the settings in the terminal.
In principle, that’s it. It remains only to wait for the massive launch of this project.
UPD: answers to some questions.