Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, all of us are facing very difficult times. Going out has become an unusual thing now as people are scared they would get infected with COVID-19. Everyone is trying their best to stay in the house but what to do when they need something important? Well, a Columbian woman trained her pet. The dog delivers groceries in the neighborhood. It is reported that there were some people in the neighborhood who were old and had certain issues which made them prone to COVID-19 so Karen, the owner of the dog stepped in.
Dog delivers groceries to all of the people of its neighborhood so that they don’t have to go out. A lady named Renee was suffering from COPD, so Karen decided to take care of her by sending her dog to deliver groceries to Renee.
While Renee was super moved from this gesture, Karen states that her dog was no less than a superhero and we all think so too because how often do you see a dog who delivers groceries?
Karen started training his dog a little and then sent him off to see whether it would work or not and according to her she was astonished to see when her dog actually delivered groceries to the neighborhood lady. Now, of course, it had something for him too. Renee had kept some trees for him so that he was tempted to his job. According to Karen, it’s been a month since her dog is delivering groceries to Renee so it might be possible that he starts doing it for other people in the neighborhood.
She further stated that during these crucial times, not only individuals can help each other but we can get our pets to help us too only if we train them well. So now that you have seen how a dog delivers groceries, maybe you can train your pets to do something similar too.

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