MyViralBox Staff

528 Articles

Rappers from Russia require Yandex 5.4 million rubles for copyright infringement news

Yandex Performance of artists, whose music was used by Yandex. Photo: Dmitry…

MyViralBox Staff

Waves development plan for 2017 / Waves / Geektimes blog

Waves Our Waves network has reached a certain degree of development: every…

MyViralBox Staff

The parts of the human brain responsible for sleep were determined / Geektimes

Brain A joint team of scientists from the United States, Italy and…

MyViralBox Staff

Wednesday: Omega Day | Chapter 1 / Geektimes

Omega I bring to the readers of GT the first chapter of…

MyViralBox Staff

Review of the online course on Arduino / robotics from MIPT (second week)

Arduino We continue publishing the online course "Building robots and other devices…

MyViralBox Staff

And if there was no space flight? / Geektimes

space A year ago on the Day of Cosmonautics, I tried to…

MyViralBox Staff

собственные моды оптоволокна (любителям «матана») / Geektimes

Как-то мне понадобилась "собственная мода оптоволокна". Но я нигде не нашел аналитического…

MyViralBox Staff

Secure headphones and head sets for bicyclists / Medgadgets / Geektimes blog

Headphones This sad story will begin with sad statistics of road accidents…

MyViralBox Staff

How banks will develop block-based solutions in 2017 / Wirex / Geektimes Blog

Banks In a recently published report, the Indian software company Infosys formulated…

MyViralBox Staff

From Ihtiandra to Printsilla / Blog company NITU "MISiS" / Geektimes

NITU Toxic landing on the capital, worms in the service of beauty,…

MyViralBox Staff