
Even back is not equal to a healthy back
The first thing we always warn about: we must be able to separate two concepts. Under a healthy spine, to speak in simple words, we understand the development of it without pathologies. A flat back is a concept from the realm of aesthetics.
Correction posture – partially working in this plane. The word “root”, such as “san”, “dare” should not lose these meanings. Indeed, part of the marketing of manufacturers of proofreaders is aimed at convincing users of the emotional component of the “smooth back”: they say, friends and colleagues will perceive you differently, and you yourself will feel more confident. Do you think it’s funny? Far from it: there are studies on how postures affect motivation and emotions.
It is impossible to deny that posture disorders, which are visible even to the naked eye, are associated with unpleasant sensations and pains in the back. In some materials, such facts are described almost like the next “Plague” of the 21st century, which already swept over 70% of the population.
In this sense, the correctors become prevention and prevention of such undesirable consequences as chronic pains that provoke many Seriously change your life, work, give up your hobby. And again
Are the correctors of posture connected with health in this case?
Yes, but not only in the direct paradigm of “corrector-spine”. It is no accident that the concepts of correctors appear with a pulse meter and tracking of breathing. Indeed, there is some evidence that sitting quietly, for example, in the workplace, breathing normalizes, which affects heart rate, a person does not experience stress, less headache, etc. With the help of correctors, this becomes controllable
You can already argue: less stress, more equal breathing? There are fewer risks of cardiovascular disease, stroke, etc.
Some studies confirm a direct relationship between sedentary lifestyle, sedentary and all kinds of exacerbations not directly related to the spine, in other words, not hernias, etc. In one of such studies devoted to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, even the Lumo Lift corrector appears as a tool, as one of its functions including a tracker of activity!
The company’s early device, Lumo Back, also participated In one of the Studies on the sedentary lifestyle of office workers.
This can also be used as a confirmation that the correctors are relevant to medicine. They are looking for an application and, in general, are finding it.
Corrector and the back
It can rightly be reproached that most of the electronic proof-readers we usually write about are not related to the whole back: the same scoliosis is distinguished in the back.
Most of the correctors are attached to the thoracic region. However, straightening the back in the “line”, you somehow activate the whole mechanism, and this is also true.
- What the proofreader can not do
The corrector can not cure. This is something like “BAD”. If a person has any pathology, then in general use any means, whether it is a corrector, a corset, a bandage without a doctor is not very reasonable. Independently “rebuilt” posture can only do harm.
Otherwise, when the treatment method is chosen, one of the proofreaders will not be used as an additional self-monitoring tool.
- What can the proofreader
What-no, but still training the muscular corset. Unlike supporting devices with a corrector your muscles do not stop working: you straighten yourself, return to the previously fixed position yourself.
The corrector can act as a means of reducing back pain, when you find a comfortable posture, and it can be really hard to remember, a sensitive corrector will help you to return to it. This is a temporary measure of disguise, but it works. Further – the doctor. In recent years, or for decades, a new discipline has emerged – theology, which studies the relationship of posture to back pathologies, including chronic pain.
A corrector is a trainer. If you do not feel something suspicious, but you want to develop a certain posture, posture yourself, then with a proofreader – yes, it is possible.
Gym – replacement of all these proofreaders
It starts with the fact that the treatment of curvature of the spine can be carried out by conservative and operational methods. We usually put a knife under the knife, for example, if the curvature is already about 60 degrees.
Basically – they are sent to neurology and there, yes, there is also a gym. Occupation curative exercise are under a certain scenario, and they are fairly sparing.
So those who recommended strengthening with a bar should clarify that it is advisable to go to the doctor on an MRI before the hall, because otherwise, by ignorance, it is possible to fine Themselves ditch.
Stretchings and vises, it would seem, are the most common prevention methods that you can do-even at home on the door jamb, not everyone is shown! They can lead to overstretching of the joints and joint tissue, so that the piece comes out also individual.
For those who have one answer: go to the pool, it should be recalled that in the domestic practice the pool with progressive forms of scoliosis is also prescribed not to everyone, individually.
Again, going back to the gym and bar, we must remember about the bandage. And also remember that if it does not hurt – it does not mean that there is nothing. There are cases when a hernia does not disturb a person for a long time, and he “strengthens” the barbell with a bar until he leaves the room with a cane.
The most harmless means of prevention is choosing moderate choreopathy, as well as pilates. However, its effectiveness is still being proved, given that the author of this direction is still self-taught.
Do I need a proofreader?
The seller’s natural desire is to sell, but we never imposed anything. Geektimes has an overview of the Lumo Lift we import, there is a story about how and why it could be used in practice, but we always put it on an equal footing with other products and developments.
Therefore, if I say that a proofreader is needed, then this is also an abstract proofreader. It can be used, taking into account its aesthetic characteristics, and as prevention of curvature, honestly considering the way of life.
If you understand that the work is predominantly sedentary, there are no physical loads, there is no time for sports, then early Or late, imperceptibly, but the muscle tone will decrease. Corrector as a reminder – why not? But, again: do not cherish illusions, and if the back hurts, then neither the corrector, nor the belt of dog hair, nor the bar … It’s better to see a doctor.
However, here I should make a remark so that you understand what we mean by the proofreader. In our understanding, this is a mechanical or electronic device that does not perform independent supporting functions and is not an “alternative” to your muscles. Proofreaders remind you when it’s time to straighten a bit, return to the desired position with the means that are available to them: vibration / sound. And it will be Lumo, the “Master of Posture” or something from this collection – this is your personal choice.
Would you like another example? We believe that we can cope and remember when and how to hold our back. This is logical when it comes to the same office: an adult person can easily control himself. But there are episodes of our life when we do not attach importance to how and what we do. For example, you need to bend down and something to raise: it would seem, instant action, and no one will give it any serious significance. And nevertheless:
In the case of the back, it’s true, the account goes for seconds. One wrong move – and: hello, hernia!
Correctors in Russia
In Russia two electronic auxiliary devices are known: “Master of Posture” and “Lumo Lift”. The latter is more our efforts.
Also recently we wrote a short review about the “sound proofreader” Oskor and mentioned the recent project with Boomstarter “Asana”. It is worth adding that on request “Corrector Posture” you in search will drop supporting corsets.
Using such a systematically is a very dangerous thing, as this leads to muscle atrophy, so use caution when using a support device without consulting a specialist.
Well, what we really do not recommend is the proofreaders of the butterfly. If there is some orthopedic history in the case of bandages, butterflies are a dull force: tightened tight, resembled smooth, and then formed in half.
Take care of yourself!

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