Although it’s been more than ten years today. But the case of the woman who was growing hair in her mouth is still considered to be very serious. Many experts all across the world find it very fascinating. All of this started when she was 19 years old. This Italian girl went to see doctors at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. She told them about her problem. And the problem was that she grows hair in her mouth. She asked them to look into the matter as she’s desperate. The doctors checked her and diagnosed her with a disease called Gingival Hirsutism.

Gingival Hirsutism is an extreme and wierd condition which not a lot of doctors know about. That is why the findings and observations of the doctors of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli were published in various medical magazines.
This case of having small hair growth inside the mouth was something not a lot of doctors knew about, that is why they were a little scary to cure it. In their mind, they didn’t want to take any risk so that they would not make the condition even worse. This was the main reason why they took such small and risk-free steps to make sure that the treatment doesn’t go wrong in any case.
The first time when this woman noticed something was wrong with her was in 2009. She felt eyelash like hair growth inside her mouth on her gums behind her front teeth. Once she consulted the doctors, she got diagnosed with the condition of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This disease is caused by an imbalance in the sex hormone, which results in hair growth all over your body, including the mouth. As a treatment, she was given birth control pills, and she became famous as the girl who grows hair in her mouth.
This treatment worked, but only during the start. Later the hair on her gum returned once again, and this time they moved to her neck and chin. If we look back in history, we can see that this disease was sporadic in women, affecting only 5 of them while all the other patients were men.
This was one of the 5 cases that were reported. All the women who had this disease were also very uneasy; having such small hair inside their mouth was challenging. As it is such a rare condition, so the doctors gained full advantage of it by thoroughly studying this case as well as curing it.
They assured the woman that soon enough she will be free. It is also stated that she won’t be known as the girl who grows hair in her mouth. Doctors asked her to keep taking birth control pills. Because even though the hair was still there inside her mouth, they were not increasing as much. Apart from this, doctors opted for surgically removing hair from the gums. If not for these two procedures. The poor woman might have to live with this small hair inside her mouth for all of her life.

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