
Recently, one of my friends was not a very pleasant story. One morning, when he was gathering his daughter in a kindergarten, investigators visited him on a visit. The purpose of their visit was to investigate the theft of equipment from one of Yekaterinburg’s providers.
The equipment was stolen from the operator’s site, which was located in the entrance of the apartment building. The tenants of the house did not hesitate to describe a person whose signs coincided with the appearance of the hero of my story. He did not have to search for him for a long time, because he knew this young man in the office of the operator and immediately indicated the address of his residence, because my friend worked for a long time in the operator’s staff and served those same communication units. It’s no wonder that residents who have seen the young man in his entrance with a different instrument and incomprehensible equipment in his hands have also pointed to him.
Judging from everything the police decided that the case had already been solved, and during the interrogation Suggested that my friend confess everything, promising to leave him before the court under a written undertaking not to leave the place. But he had an iron alibi – at the time when the theft was committed he played football with us, which could be confirmed by more than ten people.
In general, these thieves managed to find a little later thanks to surveillance cameras, which was put by one of the tenants of the entrance. They clearly managed to capture young people carrying the operator’s equipment. It turned out that they were also employees of the operator, and they decided to steal their own company.
Why this foreword? Yes to that, below I would like to talk about the theft of equipment from telecom operators. About why the cases of thefts at the infrastructure facilities of operators are so often told to us by a person who has been cooperating with large cellular operators of the country for several years
Cellular networks and Internet networks penetrate the most remote corners of the country. Construction is underway, and large operators are more likely to outsource such work. As a result, work is transferred from hand to hand, sometimes reaching small teams shabashnikov, not distinguished by professionalism.
On the one hand, the transfer of network services to outsourcing saves the operators fabulous amounts, but on the other hand carry a heap of problems – after all, accidents on the networks occur not only because of the poor quality of the work of the assembly brigades , But also because of the theft of equipment. Often, theft and looting on the operator’s infrastructure is due to the fact that dishonest contractors simply do not pay for the work of the performers. As a result, the latter rush into all the hard, trying at least somehow to compensate their work. In the network, you can even find a list of such careless contractors.
Those involved in looting on infrastructure facilities Operators can be divided into two camps.
The first are ordinary thieves. They do not understand the equipment, but basically just cut the cable in the hope of snatching some copper. Or they grab the iron, which is unrealistic to sell to them.
Others are specialists who are versed in equipment. Often they are fitters who were not paid by the contractor, and in this way they try to compensate their work.
According to the person facing such incidents in his work, for the most part the performers who decided to steal equipment from the customer’s facilities, not Know even where to sell it, because as well as the operator, it is not needed by anyone.
As it became known to us, Much of the stolen equipment from the Urals is sent to the north of the country, where the active construction of networks is underway. They do not hesitate to use stolen equipment. By the way, this iron is easy to identify, because each device is hung bar code. By barcode, you can define SN, PN, the name of the equipment, and also who received it, when, etc. Often the sellers simply do not know the real value of the stolen iron, which again shows how it got to them, the spontaneity of the theft itself.
There are those who are well versed in the matter and know what to steal in order to then be guaranteed to sell. This iron include a feeder, power cable, ground cable, power systems, battery, air conditioners, RRL, switches. In VKontakte groups you can find many ads about the sale of such equipment.
According to our source , With vandalism reaching an unthinkable scale with the active construction of the “Tele2” networks in Moscow. They wanted to build the building in the shortest possible time. As a result, everyone was attracted to work. Basically in the capital, the pillars with the boxes of “Energomera” were installed. The problem was that almost all the boxes could be opened with one set of keys. Each box contained at least 4 batteries. As a result, the thieves had enough minutes to remove the battery. One such theft could bring about five thousand rubles. Then almost 80% of accidents on the networks of “Tele2” in Moscow occurred precisely because of the theft.
Operators have not yet developed adequate measures to protect themselves from thefts at their facilities. Somewhere video surveillance is installed, and someone performs regular patrolling of their networks with the help of a quadrocopter.
Information about incidents immediately goes to the security service. The investigation begins, the search for criminals. Social networks, apparently, do not particularly look, but there are often dubious announcements about the sale of camera equipment.
It is clear that the operators have methods of combating theft are similar. In “Megaphone” noted that, as a rule, the circle of suspects is predetermined, and often it is employees of contract organizations.
In “MTS” for the protection of infrastructure facilities have developed a whole range of measures. All base stations are under video surveillance.
In its own way, the experience of combating the theft of the operator “Corbina Telecom” is unique. The company experienced problems similar to “Tele2”. As a result, the following measures were taken. All staff immediately warned of the deplorable consequences of theft. Secondly, for an anonymous denunciation of a thief, offered a solid reward – 1 million rubles. The award was given to the buyers of such iron. The effectiveness of this approach made itself known instantly.
According to the man who regularly collaborates with the operators of the Big Four, there is simply no clear strategy for the same Corbina Telecom of today’s federal operators.