Hiking and camping are the best part of every outdoor plan especially when you are planning with your friends. There is no young person on the planet who doesn’t enjoy camping. When it comes to safety and enjoyment, our parents are also concern about safety so here comes the need for a new Floating Shoal Tent. Yes, they are floating in the water and you can sit in the tents and enjoy the water.
The waterproof material of the floating shoal tent will give it long-lasting feature with extra space for all the friends. Now, you can accommodate 3 to 4 people in one tent and enjoy the floating tent.
The Floating Shoal Tent
Well, if you are thinking to buy this amazing shoal tent, you can easily buy it but make sure that you have enough money to buy it. As this item isn’t cheap but you can say it is affordable as compare to a houseboat or a lodge by the lake. You can buy it with the current price of $2000 only, as it is more affordable in terms of features like similar to this one by DAMA, are springing up. It has an 8′ x 8′ impression, the inside can give you ease and comfort because it has 6′-3″ up to tall height, standing up or setting down.
There are no tent posts, the tent structure is absolutely inflatable and when swelled confronts high breezes. The pontoon body has three air chambers, two in the lower tube, and one in the structure. The floor is a 6″ thick drop sewed high-pressure floor that serves as your inflatable cushion.
Features of floating shoal tent
The Floating Shoal Tent is waterproof, uncompromising and fixed with solid mechanical like #8 zippers. You must check out its features:
- The Floating Shoal Tent clincher’s sides connect and disconnect utilizing uncompromising snares and circles. This permits you to utilize only the top and get in and out effectively through the sides, should the need emerge out of nowhere.
- D-Rings on the sides take into account a simple anchor connection.
- The cylinders swell to 3 PSI the drop sewed floor expands to 10 PSI.
- inside fits statures up to 6′-3″ tall setting down. Taller than that you can lay your head on the cylinders or rest askew.
- Standing room: up to 6′-3″
- Shoal Tent packs down into a burrito move style convey and capacity sack approx. 60″x24″x18″.
- It contains a kit that comes with a accompanies Storage pack, fixes the unit, and manual foot siphon.
- The weight of the Floating Shoal Tent is approx. 130 pounds
- It’s not found worldwide.
- For the current price visit Amazon.
Long story short, if you are a camping lover and want extra fun then you must purchase the Floating Shoal Tent and make your trip memorable. There are a few SOPs while using the tent and you must follow them. It’s a bit expensive but the fun that you will get would be priceless.

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