By the new season we have a new section on our site. And, although some of the assortment is not “purely sporting”, it is worth paying attention to. Today we decided to briefly describe what prevention and rehabilitation tools we offer for the knee joint.
Obvious about the knee joint
The knee joint is one of the most loaded in life And the common man, and the athlete, since they have a significant amount of movement, which in itself leads to wear and tear. During training, the intensity of movements increases manyfold, and the ligamentous apparatus does not always manage and can limit hypermobility.
This leads to injuries and injuries to the knee joint and – depending on the degree – a long or short rehabilitation.
Two directions of application of supports
In connection with this, it is customary to single out, as it were, two models of the use of knee pads: prevention and rehabilitation, including in the postoperative period.
If everything is relatively easy and clear with prevention, then, in the rehabilitation direction, everything is not so obvious. Here are just a few cases when doctors find the use of supports reasonable.
- Postoperative recovery
- After the traumas
- Sensations of “unstable” walking
- Valgus of the knees
- Reduction of pain in arthrosis, arthritis, synovitis
- Intra-articular fractures
And a number of other violations.
Moreover, for almost every case the choice is made according to a very individual scenario.
Let’s give an example
For example, with arthrosis of the knee joint, it is advised to take into account such factors as pain localization, degree of joint disruption, pain sensations.
Given this, you will have to choose from about 5-6 possible variants of knee pads, both open and closed.
Closed type
Usually elastic, since its task is a soft fixation on all sides to facilitate walking. Most often recommend people with uncertain pain localization.
Soft open knee bandage
Recommended for easier bending of the knees, including Climbs and descents on the stairs.
Opened with adjustment
Usage is advisable after minor surgical interventions, since after the decline of edema, this bandage will be easy to adjust (pull ) On the leg. It is also indicated in the initial stages of arthrosis with mild pain.
Intended for long-term wearing after serious injuries and surgeries. By and large – this is an analog of gypsum, which allows you to move without losing muscle tone. Also shown with severe pain at any stage of the disease.
Also in some types of bandages heat carriers for heating can be integrated.
Several ways of fixation should be distinguished:
- Soft – initial stages of the disease, postoperative rehabilitation period
- Tough – acute pain syndrome
- Tugai – the last stages of arthrosis with deformity
The wide applicability of this kind of devices is usually very generalized in the network, they say, everything works. It is not always so. There are a number of weakly proved and ambiguous experiments on individual cases, when the expediency of using bandages is questioned.
As it was before
The text already sounded a comparison that the hard knee is an analog of gypsum. It’s almost like that. Before calipers and bandages “came” to the market, plasters and longiets were used as fixatives.
Their main drawback was that they practically deprived of the opportunity to move independently, which, with prolonged rehabilitation, led to muscle atrophy. The present “generation” of rehabilitation materials still leaves a great freedom for a person.
And Bandages! Bandages in some cases also relieve knee pain and can be a means of rehabilitation.
Orthosis, tutor, bandage – what to look for
The fixing knee pads have enough “names” And although in nuances they will differ in the network, they will most likely act as synonyms, so somehow, if you query “tutor”, “orthosis”, “support” you will get to the same sites with the same range.
In this regard, pay attention to the characteristics.
First, understand what is needed: prevention or treatment. Prophylactic calipers can be shown at intensive loads, systematic exercises by active sports. Also, indications for prophylactic, or “supporting” supports can include obesity. Increases the load on the knee joint and pregnancy.
Reduce the amplitude of movements and are used with existing joint injuries, when the lifestyle and load can significantly aggravate the disease. Such a support is, as it were, “additional bundles”.
Hard fixation for use after serious injuries and surgeries when it is required to immobilize knee-joint. It is recommended as an analogue of gypsum, and the rehabilitation is said to be accelerated.
To unload the articulation
This bandage will support the knee in the right position. This will ensure minimization of pain and reduce the risk of microtraumas, for example, with acute arthritis.
Sports Prevention
Let’s return for a while to the sports season. In general, for the prevention of sports injuries, it is suggested to use “simple” one-piece calipers.
They are made of fabrics or synthetic materials, can have an open part for the knee joint and are designed for soft “basic” support. They are kept from hypothermia, reduce the risk of minor injuries and strains. Also they can be trained with minor bruises. These include, for example, McDavid 6440 and McDavid 6446.
McDavid and LP
The most popular and well-known manufacturers in this niche are the brands LP and McDavid . The latter is more in the West, the first in Russia.
The LP range, as well as the McDavid assortment, offers a wide range of supporting bandages of local application: shin, wrist, knee. McDavid – more expensive.
Let’s show a little closer how two most similar models of tires look: LP 720 and McDavid 422.
Both models are one of the most popular At pathologies of the knee joint.
They are reinforced with side plates, which allow us to limit the movements, giving them a certain algorithm.
Both models are made of neoprene, which increases the service life of such a device.
They are characterized by an average degree of protection with partial restriction of mobility, they can be used in degenerative knee joint injury to reduce pain or after complete immobilization of the patient. This is perhaps the most “medical” in our catalog.
As a result
Starting from the simplest, supporting, it can be said that the calipers of the knee are universal, or, In words: they will suit everyone. The simplest can be called “ compression ” bandages. Their main general purpose is the prevention of injuries, they strengthen the physiological position and stabilize the knee. These are the most “sporty” calipers, they are very popular among runners.
Functional knee pads are designed to maintain and maintain the function of the damaged joint. They are not universal in terms of application, because they partially restrict movement and are used in medicine as a means of rehabilitation after joint damage, arthritis, arthrosis and pain relief.
Supports stabilizers help when A rigid fixation is necessary. This is an alternative to gypsum and tires. Often used when transporting a patient.
Complex, or combined – a separate class of device-transformers, which are intended for patients who undergo long-term rehabilitation. In the process can perform several functions, replacing a number of devices.
Take care of yourself,
Successful sporting season!