Japanese company Nintendo unexpectedly for many fans of its products has announced the discontinuation of its miniature console NES Classic Edition. This is a palm-sized device equipped with an HDMI output. Included with this prefix comes 30 retro games.
“We wanted to give fans of all ages the opportunity to re-open the original Nintendo system, let them remember why they liked this console … Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition is perfect for anyone who remembers how to play NES, Or who would like to give the opportunity to experience the taste of this game to a new generation of gamers, “Reginald” Reggie “Fils-Aimé, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America, said in his time. And now the production of this console stops, despite the fact that sales are growing.
The company issued a formal appeal, which reads: “In April, the last Nintendo Entertainment System will be shipped this April: NES Classic Edition. We ask everyone interested in obtaining this system to check the availability of the device from retailers. We understand that for some customers to find a console is a difficult task, for which we apologize. We pay a lot of attention to customer feedback and thank everyone for the incredible level of interest and support for this product. ”
Last year, the Japanese company sold 1.5 million Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition. And even then, the president of the company apologized for the fact that Nintendo was not able to fully meet the demand of customers for this system. In general, NES Classic Edition in Nintendo decided to use as an auxiliary product for the popularization of the new gaming system Nintendo Switch. But this game console suddenly became a completely independent product, which attracted attention even more than Switch.
NES Classic was recently dismantled by a screw to see if the design elements are unique. As it turned out, nothing so rare is used there, so delays in gadget production cause a lot of questions.
However, the company explains the inadequate level of production by the fact that analysts could not properly assess the CA. Nintendo built a calculation for adults of the age group of 30-40 who played in NES when they were children. But, as it turned out, NES Classic began to buy in the literal sense “both old and young.” Demand exceeded supply several times, which led to a deficit.
By the way, not so long ago craftsmen from NESClassicMods decided to expand the range of games that are available on the NES Classic. To do this, you need to copy files from NES Classic to your PC, edit them and upload them to the console again.
Over the past year, Nintendo has attracted attention more than once. This Pokémon, and NES Classic and the announcement of work on the console of a new generation. All this, together with some other factors, led to the fact that Nintendo Switch is now selling very well. Presumably, the company will increase the annual production of the console from 8 to 16 million. Perhaps, in order not to spray their efforts and production capacities and it was decided to complete the production of the “old new” NES Classic console.
There are also speculations that Nintendo is now Works on the second version of the retroconsole, with a lot of games and features. Or maybe the management was simply afraid that NES Classic might have a negative impact on sales of digital copies of retro games in the Virtual Console catalog.
However, Nintendo refuses an obviously profitable and profitable project. This is rather strange, perhaps in the future there will be an explanation for what is happening. It remains to be only guessing.
By the way, almost a year ago, Geektimes conducted a survey on this console. Most readers answered that the console is unlikely to become popular, but its buyer will find the device. As it turned out, this is not entirely true: the console was able to become not just popular, but very popular. 1.6 million deliveries in the first half of the year speak volumes.