Perhaps someone will be interested in reading the story:
Briefly, I managed to fit this:
Little SmartPoket
I always tried to get rid of some of the keys. Even when we lived in a communal apartment, and every door inside, besides the entrance door, was locked with a key, I found a compromise. We owned two rooms, and I just left the keys to the second – in the first one. organizers This allowed me to give up two additional keys on the bunch.
So I got the result: 1 key from the top, 1 – from the bottom, 1 – from the second door, 1 – from the inside.
This is my first bunch of keys that is always with me. For her, I chose a small SmartPoket. The fact is that the key from the top lock is not so long here, and it fits perfectly into the base version. The only thing, it turned out, that his “ear” is slightly smaller than necessary. I acted rather artisanically: I took a drill, I took these nozzles … In general, the key came up. organizers
The position of the large key inside the organizer is very easy to control: organizers the number of plastic plates on the opposite side. If you try to make the organizer as thin and elegant as possible, then the key can stick out a little.
Unfortunately, to fix a tablet from a door phone of this type, there is no other way yet. Therefore, we have to admit that this is a keychain …
As a result
I had no additional costs for the small version, only I had to Slightly undermine the key, but it’s not a problem. The bunch came out very compact and convenient for me. Since the keys used to be dangling all the time in my backpack, sometimes I heard them. I did not really like it. Now they are fixed in a special pocket, do not take up space and do not distract. I do not use this bundle often.
From the remaining observations: the keys are quite convenient to get, it is done with one hand: you just push the keys from the side you need. Someone in the comments said that it would be impossible – it’s not so.
And also easy to clean. It is enough to clench your fist.
Big SmartPoket
In the big SmartPoket I managed to shove a pill from the intercom, three keys and a flash drive. And it was a whole story.
It’s difficult for a number of reasons. Firstly, I wanted more compression, and I originally intended to remake the key from the top lock in a small, short, but it was impossible. Several interviewed masters said that this is some kind of super-rare key, and it can only be large. Yes, and it was something he did not immediately.
However, it needed to be remade, of course – it turned out another 400 rubles to the cost of the organizer.
The round hole of the key was not found, but, as it turned out later, it does not change anything at all. The key sits tight and walks smoothly.
The part with the tablet from the intercom was the problem. We tried several options, because it is clear that in the current form it could be inserted except that:
In the workshops, basically the same for all.
This is a slightly thinner and slightly more even version, but still not perfectly flat.
If I do not bother much, then such an alternative would solve my problem, it would just look like if someone would look at your bundle, which in itself is absurd, Less elegant.
But, in pursuit of that grace, I found a flat, flat mark. It is a little wider.
But ideally thin, under the size of a key, and equal on both sides.
This mark is another 200 rubles to the cost of a large SmartPoket.
Operation “Flash” was also not free. For me, the flash drive is something of a mascot. Clouds, Yandeks.Disk – everything is cool, but I always for some reason carried a flash drive with me, and decided that let it remain so. I had a flash drive.
But, like the mark, it was not even. And it podbešivalo.
She perfectly cleaned, got, did not bother … but podbushivala. Therefore, welcome to Oldie. There were Kingston’s perfectly smooth flash drives.
The only thing, but their ears are slightly wider. The plastic gasket basically closes it completely, but under pressure, when you start wrapping the structure, one edge can bend inward. Therefore, as a gasket, I used a zip key.
A bunch from a new place of residence is not very voluminous. I manage two keys, the key to the mailbox and a flash drive. Flash drive, by the way, was inserted not from the first time: at first it “picked up” the computer, so it had to be twisted. It is better to measure once, in general.
So, … a flash drive and a tablet from the intercom. So only 5 units.
Yes, by the way, a flash drive is about 500 rubles more to the cost of SmartPack. That the big key was cleaned smoothly and freely and could be pulled out from both sides, it was necessary to compensate for the distance with complete rings.
As a result: I received two neat bundles.
The keys are conveniently pulled out from both sides.
Someone will reproach that he has more keys. It’s true, it happens. We proceeded from the calculation that, on average, a person has a large key and up to 3-4 small ones. Otherwise, you can do as I do: make a couple of paired packets. It’s still more convenient than just a couple of keychains.
I want to note that I was one of those who “drowned” at the very beginning for Aliexpress. However, I first and refused their organizers. First, they do not solve the main task: compression. Since the housekeeper is smaller in size, the ends of the keys touch the “heads” on the other side, and in the end you get this:
And in general I was not satisfied The quality of the material, which can be cut with ordinary scissors.
Nevertheless, I consider it necessary to remind once again that there are a lot of Chinese organizers and you can easily find them. I’m sure you even know where.
Phantom key
“SmartPacket” is like a continuation of the key, its handle. It’s convenient, but I got used to it for a while. At first there was a sense of some kind of “phantom key” when you hold not directly behind the head, but behind the SmartPacket plates.
In all other senses – it’s very convenient, although it can request additional investments for “optimization” . However, I found some entertainment in it. And the last thing I would like to say is that the label through the plates does not take, and I have to get it every time.