For ages, bumper stickers have been a fun, quirky way for drivers to express their personalities, beliefs, and sense of humor. Whether funny, silly, or twisted, these tiny pieces of paper can make you laugh or amuse other drivers. Here’s why the whimsical world of funny bumper stickers is so gratifying.
25 Funny Bumper Stickers
1# Scary High-Beam Reflective Decals
2# Real Men Have Curves Bumper Sticker
3# If you can read this you are too close
4# The Ass Family Sticker
5# Funny Hallmark Movie Trope Bumper Sticker
6# This Vehicle Makes Frequent Stops At Your Mom’s House
7# Thunderbolt and Lightning Galileo Quote Bumper Sticker
8# True Patriots Break for America’s Only Native Marsupial
9# Spotify Song Car Decal
10# 3D Pig Car Decal
11# How’s My Driving Funny Bumper Sticker
12# Peeking Cat Funny Car Decal
13# Not Bass Pro Shops Sticker
14# Tailgate Me Bumper Sticker
15# Kitty Cat Wind Shield Wiper Decal
16# No You Didn’t Funny Bumper Sticker
17# Middle Finger Cat Car Sticker
18# On My Way to Flavortown Funny Bumper Sticker
19# No Baby On Board Funny Bumper Sticker
20# Me And My Homies George Washington Bumper Sticker
21# Tell Your Cat I Said Pspsps
22# Gotcha the Game Funny Bumper Sticker
23# Hungry T-Rex Car Decal
24# Border Collie Don’t Make Me Herd You
25# Live Laugh Love In This Economy
The Humour of Funny Bumper Stickers
Witty One-Liners
Many bumper stickers contain catchy wordplay or puns that can lift the spirits of everyone. One might say something such as “I’m not speeding; I’m just flying low,” as a humorous take on driving, pointing to people’s tendency to drive over the speed limit. Such jokes strike chords with drivers who tend to be stuck in the drudgery of daily commutes.
Absurd Claims
Some bumper stickers go for absurdity, the crazy, hilarious statements that attract attention. “My other car is a unicorn” or “Caution: I drive as you do” — dingers that expressly make those who pass smile and wonder about the sanity of whoever is behind the wheel. Often, one of these stickers acts as an icebreaker in the traffic jams, where people are frustrated.
Sarcastic Remarks
The other big theme in funny bumper stickers is sarcasm. “I was indecisive before, but now I’m not so sure” is a sticker that plays cleverly on human experiences and doubts. But this kind of humor can also help forge a bond among drivers who feel this way.
The Appeal of Personalized Funny Bumper Stickers
Custom bumper stickers have become a trend as people seek unique ways to express themselves. People create online models that revolve around things they love or personal inside jokes. This trend not only makes way for even more funny jokes, but it also makes connections between like-minded or experience-minded individuals.
Gag Gifts and Collectibles
Humorous bumper stickers have also found their popularity as gag gifts. They are typically gifts to friends during celebrations or perhaps as jokes that will have people rolling on the floor. Collectors like hunting down rare or especially clever stickers, with some using them as conversation pieces or decorations in their homes.
In the mood for some more laughs? Check these funny cats and funny Christmas memes. Also, follow us on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for more funny stuff.
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