As the statistics show, a significant number of newcomers who bought the first camera with interchangeable lenses, despite extensive photo-plans, and go with a complete “glass”. And the point here is not even that they are completely satisfied with the quality of the received personnel – there are many lenses, the prices for them differ at times, and it is not easy to understand all this diversity, and this takes a long time.
В In this post we want to recommend lenses that are best suited to a particular genre and are in a reasonable price category.
Remarka first: in the statement that the shots taken on the camera, surpass the similar pictures on the smartphone, there is a little guile. In a high-quality camera in a smartphone, a sunny day and viewing photos on the smartphone screen, the difference in some general plan image can be minimal. But if we go into genres (for example, portrait) or try shooting in the twilight, and then bring the photo to the screen of the laptop, how the laws of physics will remind you heartlessly.
Remark II: why do we confine ourselves to Review only Canon, Nikon and Sony. The first two companies do not need representation, and the lion’s part of the “SLRs” is produced under these labels. Well, Sony does just amazing mirrorless cameras, for example Sony Alpha A5100 is considered to be one of the best mirrorless entry level. Well, Sony Alpha A6000 has long been firmly entrenched in all sales charts.
Initial lenses
As a rule, the first objectives that are worth trying out in the case are the so-called fixes, i.e. Lenses with a fixed focal length. The absence of moving parts (and, as a consequence, the need to solve a bunch of engineering tasks) reduces the price of the lens and allows you to achieve the highest quality picture at a particular focal length.
In fact, thanks to the fix, you can see how your camera can shoot. Well, the first fix is to take the so-called 35-ki, i.e. Lenses, most closely imitating human vision. As a result, in the photo objects come out the same way as your eyes perceive them. No closer, no farther.
Remark third: here and further when selecting the lens, we will focus on the so-called “crippled”, i.e. Clipped matrices. Because if it is unlikely that a novice photographer will have a full-frame camera. However, in order not to be confused with the purchase, the focal length will be written as it is indicated on the lens, i.e.
The well-established fixes:
- For Canon: here it is worth to depart from the recommendation about 35 mm and look at the Canon EF50mm F / 1.8 (8,990 rubles) As to the most budgetary variant;
- For Nikon: Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f / 1.8G (14,990 rubles);
- For Sony: Sony E 35mm f / 1.8 OSS (32 990 rubles).
It may seem that the lens for Sony costs somehow prohibitively expensive (for its price you can buy more luminous Canon EF50mm F1 / 4), but it additionally has an image stabilizer, which allows you to take pictures at longer exposures. In other words, in conditions of poor illumination you are more likely to get an ungainted frame.
Sample photo on Sony E 35mm f / 1.8 OSS (Takuritsu Kou Flickr)
] If you still think that the price for Sony is somewhat overstated, you can search Sigma 30mm F / 2.8 DN. It is not always on sale, but it is a worthy alternative to the firm fix. Yes, it is not so luminous, and the blurring is not so “creamy”, but it costs significantly less.
Fourth Remark. In order to understand exactly how these lenses are shot in combination with your camera, we propose to use the well-known site Pixel Peeper, which allows you to find photos made by the bundle you need. All the photographs in the article illustrating the camera’s capabilities were obtained by such an algorithm.
Zoom Lenses
All young photographers are very fond of zooms. If you are going to shoot wildlife, a sports match or your child on a matinee, we recommend you look at the following models:
- For Canon: Canon EF70-200mm f / 4 L USM (47,990 rubles). He looks and removes very well. In this case, despite the white coloration, characteristic of professional lenses, is not prohibitively expensive. There is a modification of this lens with a built-in stabilizer, but it is exactly twice as expensive;
(M. Kafka Flickr)
- For the Nikon: Nikon 70-300mm f / 4.5-5.6G ED IF AF-S (39 990 rubles). The aperture is no longer as remarkable as that of Canon, but there is a stabilizer;
- For Sony: Sony E 55-210mm F4.5-6.3 OSS. A good lens with an image stabilizer.
Wide-angle lenses
As a rule, right after zooms, photographers begin to get carried away with wide-angle lenses. Because it becomes much more interesting not to remove a remote object, but as much as possible to transmit the panorama opened to the eye as much as possible. Especially such a lens is in demand during urban shooting – dense building does not allow you to move a sufficient distance, allowing you to fit in the frame all the most necessary. Or during party photography.
Fifth Remark: wide-angle lenses are very popular with realtors and hotel owners. Thanks to this lens, the rooms look bigger than they are.
The most interesting lenses in this category:
- For Canon: Canon EF-S 10-18mm f / 4.5-5.6 IS STM (17 990 rubles). An excellent option in its price category. Most reviewers on this lens say that for such money this is a very, very good offer.
- For Nikon: A little unexpected, but the best combination of price / quality is Sigma 10-20mm f / 3.5 EX DC HSM (31 990). Why him? The fact is that most wide-angle lenses have a standard problem, caused by the actual design – distortion of the frame. This is quite simply corrected by the software when processing photos. But in the case of Sigma these distortions are minimal. So it’s easier to process photos and better results. The experts of the authoritative project DXOmark.com tested the lens and agree that it is not much inferior to the company’s Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 10-24mm F / 3.5-4.5G ED.
- For Sony: very good Sony 10-18mm f / 4 (62 990 rubles). We pay a lot – but we get high light, an optical stabilizer and automatic autofocus. In principle, in the case of a wide-angle lens, autofocus is just not so important. If you remove it, the stabilizer and the label of Sony itself, you get a good Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS. But it can be very difficult to find on sale.
The Portrait Lens
Here again it is necessary to return to the Fiks, because something is better for portraits than to think up. A relatively low price with consistently high quality rarely allows you to consider something else.
The most interesting models:
- For Canon: here you can try working with the same Canon EF50mm F / 1.8 from the beginning of the article;
- For Nikon: Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f / 1.8G;
- For Sony: Sigma 60mm f / 2.8 DN (for some incredible for such a glass price of 7,990 rubles). Below is an example of shooting it with a Sony ILCE-3000 camera.
The Casual Lens
In spite of the fact that above we scolded the so-called whale lenses, their idea is quite sensible – the buyer is given a lens with universal focal lengths that cover most of his needs. But often the quality of the “models in the kit” leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the universal whale lens is proposed to be replaced by a no less universal Sigma AF 18-35mm F1.8 (47,990 rubles). And we recommend it for both Nikon and Canon. Only the bayonet differs, i.e. Format of attaching the lens.
An important point – this model has problems with autofocus in poor lighting conditions. Therefore, together with the lens is strongly recommended to take the so-called USB-dock. It allows you to update the firmware and correct the focus. Even at the forums are very advised to come to the store and try a few copies, because the behavior of the lenses can vary. He gives a little “to finish the file”, but this is the case when everyone forgives for this price.
Here is one of the reviews on this lens:
“This is the best zoom lens for the croep at the moment. It replaces 3 fixings: 18, 24 and 35 mm with diaphragm 1.8. Consider that you have several lenses on the camera at the same time and you do not need to waste time on their replacement. ”
[Coxy from Aus Flickr]
Alas, to call a universal lens for Sony at any adequate price is quite difficult. But we will be grateful if you share your thoughts in the comments.