C-SPAN: One little boy turned a congressional session into a comedy show. Meet Guy Rose, the 6-year-old son of Tennessee Republican Rep. John Rose, who took full advantage of his time on the House floor on Monday. In a place where stern faces and serious speeches are the norm, one little boy turned a congressional session into a comedy show. Meet Guy Rose, the 6-year-old son of Tennessee Republican Rep. John Rose, who took full advantage of his time on the House floor on Monday.
While his dad was delivering an earnest speech about former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict. Guy seized the opportunity to showcase his talent for making silly faces. Sitting right behind his father, he stared directly into the C-SPAN camera, unleashing a series of hilarious expressions that quickly stole the spotlight and went viral.
C-SPAN Captures Comedy Gold
Rep. Rose, blissfully unaware of the comedic gold happening behind him, continued with his speech. It wasn’t until later that he realized his son had become an overnight sensation. “This is what I get for telling my son Guy to smile at the camera for his little brother,” Rose wrote on social media, likely rethinking his advice.
The internet erupted with laughter and applause for Guy’s antics. “So sorry I was slow responding to your email, I was tied up watching this over and over again,” tweeted Aaron Fritschner. He is the communications director for Virginia Democrat Rep. Don Beyer, sharing the now-iconic clip of Guy’s performance.
Leaving the House chambers, Guy was greeted with applause at the GOP conference meeting, proving that even politicians appreciate a good laugh. Fresh out of kindergarten, Guy was spending the week in Washington, D.C., with his dad and had already become a local celebrity.
Reporters couldn’t resist interviewing the young comedian.
“No,” Guy responded, displaying the confidence and charm of a seasoned entertainer.
Who knew that the most memorable moment of the congressional session would come from a 6-year-old’s goofy grin? Congress and C-SPAN better watch out – Guy Rose is in the house!
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