A New York man is locked in a legal battle with the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) after they seized his pet Albert the Alligator. Tony Cavallaro, a resident of the Buffalo suburb of Hamburg, is suing the agency to get his 11-foot, 750-pound reptile companion back.
The dispute began in March when conservation officers entered Cavallaro’s home and sedated Albert. They cited an expired license for keeping the alligator, which Cavallaro had cared for for over 30 years.
Cavallaro’s attorney, Peter Kooshoian, argues that the DEC’s denial of the license renewal was “not factually based.” They aim to have the license reinstated and ultimately, bring Albert back home.
“We feel that he should have had a valid license at the time, as he’d had for the last 30 years,” Kooshoian stated.
The DEC declined to comment on the ongoing lawsuit but previously raised concerns about Albert’s enclosure and potential public safety risks. They also alleged the alligator suffered from blindness and spinal issues, claims Cavallaro vehemently disputes.
The dramatic seizure, captured on video, sparked an outpouring of support for Cavallaro and Albert. “Bring Albert Home” signs have sprouted on neighborhood lawns, and Cavallaro’s Facebook page dedicated to the cause has over 4,500 followers.
“It’s overwhelming me,” Cavallaro said of the ordeal. “It’s ruined my whole year, destroyed it.”
Cavallaro acquired Albert in 1990, a two-month-old American alligator from an Ohio reptile show. He considers Albert an “emotional support animal” and a “gentle giant.”
Why was Albert the Alligator taken away
The crux of the issue lies in regulation changes implemented by the DEC in 2020 regarding dangerous animals. While Cavallaro’s license expired in 2021, he contends the DEC failed to follow proper procedures for existing owners when the new regulations came into effect.
Currently, Albert resides at Gator Country, a rescue facility in Texas where visitors can interact with reptiles.
“You can interact with them in all different ways,” Cavallaro lamented. “It’s like a kick right in my teeth.”
The legal battle continues, and whether Cavallaro will be reunited with his beloved Albert the Alligator remains to be seen.
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