The USSR is experiencing serious technical difficulties in intercepting offenders at low altitude
From the report of the National Intelligence of the USA from 1979
… the Soviet Union has almost no means of countering low-flying targets. Soviet air defense is technically primitive and rarely conducts defensive operations against targets at low altitude. The air defense control system is worthless, its troops are far from brilliant, and often act weakly in the exercises … the general view is that the Soviets are rather helpless in this area
extracts from the internal CIA memorandum of 1981 from 1945
Lies of the CIA. The last “flying” was July 1, 1960 reconnaissance aircraft ERB-47H Stratochet (reg., Number 53-4281, 38th strategic reconnaissance squadron of the US Air Force), second after the first flight of 1960 Francis Powers on U-2C (reg. Number 56-6693, the US Central Intelligence Agency). And then came peace and grace and peace of the sky.
We do not fly by ourselves The other will not be given.
The motto of the air defense troops, based on real events.
According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the Establishment of Professional Holidays and Memorial Days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, the Day of Troops of Air Defense (the Day of Air Defense Forces) is celebrated on the second Sunday of April
On April 9, 2017, 103 years will pass since the formation of the air defense forces of the Russian Empire, the USSR, and then Russia.
You can treat the army of your country and the defense industry differently (MIC), to be a militarist, a pacifist, a nihilist, and the like, “history,” but Ado admit that the air defense forces are the most defensive of the troops in general and the most peace-loving of the aggressive types of troops in particular.
The great importance for the complete set of the necessary armament of the air defense troops was played [o]
Design Bureau -1, p / y 1323) -> Moscow Design Bureau (MKB) Strela -> Central -> Design Bureau “Almaz” -> Research and Production Association “Almaz” -> Public Company (OJSC) Almaz -> OJSC Central Design Bureau Almaz -> OAO NPO Almaz »-> OAO GSKB of the Air Defense Concern A “
A significant part of medium and long-range SAM was produced and produced at this enterprise.
Feel the difference between the motto of AA in Russian and English:
I will not talk about any tricks of air defense systems, structure The history of air defense itself, and so on.
I just want to present to this festive date an album from me that was released on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the NGO “Almaz”, which I “lingered in the attic.”
Maybe someone will be interested, as they did then … well, maybe you can call it a presentation.
Someone will compare with the album that will be released AA in this jubilee year, but a little later.
What and how has changed in 2017 compared to 1977
Some will find it an “old-fashioned cotton wool”, and someone, perhaps, will discover a little-known and new.
So: there are few “beeches”, but many photos.
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