Ready for a chuckle? We’ve gathered over 99 funny words that will tickle your funny bone and bring laughter to any conversation. Whether you’re the class clown or need a pick-me-up, these words are your go-to for a good time.
English is chock-full of words that can coax a smile or even a hearty guffaw. In this post, we’re excited to share with you a treasure trove of over 120 amusing words that will spice up your conversations, win over your friends, or just give you a good laugh.
Our list has it all: from genuine terms with actual definitions to whimsical slang that’s just for kicks. You’ll encounter familiar favorites alongside obscure gems that haven’t hit the mainstream. From throwback jargon to the latest buzzwords, each one is a little packet of joy.
These words all have one thing in common: their comedic value—they’re a hoot to say and hear!
99 Hilarious Words Guaranteed to Make You Laugh Out Loud
Funny Words Starting With A
- Abracadabra – A word said by magicians when performing a magic trick.
- Agog – Very eager or curious to hear or see something.
- Antsy – Agitated, impatient, or restless.
Hilarious Words Starting With B
- Bamboozle – To trick or deceive.
- Balderdash – Senseless talk or writing; nonsense.
- Bodacious – Excellent, admirable, or attractive.
- Boondoggle – Work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value.
- Brouhaha – An uproar or noisy response.
Funny Words Starting With C
- Canoodle – To cuddle or snuggle affectionately.
- Cattywampus – Askew or awry; positioned diagonally.
- Cockamamie – Ridiculous; implausible.
- Codswallop – Nonsense.
Hilarious Words Starting With D
- Dillydally – To waste time through aimless wandering or indecision.
- Dingbat – A silly or eccentric person.
- Discombobulate – To confuse someone.
- Doodle – A rough drawing made absentmindedly.
Funny Words Starting With E
- Effervescent – Giving off bubbles; fizzy.
- Egghead – An intellectual person.
- Ensnare – To capture in or as in a trap.
Hilarious Words Starting With F
- Fiddle-faddle – Trivial or nonsensical fuss.
- Flabbergasted – Surprised to the point of being speechless.
- Flummox – To bewilder or perplex.
- Fuddy-duddy – A person who is old-fashioned and fussy.
Funny Words Starting With G
- Gadzooks – An exclamation of surprise or annoyance.
- Gallivant – To go around from one place to another to pursue pleasure or entertainment.
- Gibberish – Unintelligible or nonsensical talk or writing.
- Gobbledygook – Language that is meaningless or hard to understand.
- Guffaw – A loud and hearty laugh.
Hilarious Words Starting With H
- Helter-skelter – In disorderly haste or confusion.
- Hodgepodge – A confused mixture.
- Hootenanny – An informal gathering with folk music and sometimes dancing.
- Hubbub – A chaotic din caused by a crowd of people.
- Hullabaloo – A commotion or fuss.
Funny Words Starting With I
- Icky – Unpleasantly sticky or messy.
- Impish – Inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun; mischievous.
- Itty-bitty – Extremely small; tiny.
Hilarious Words Starting With J
- Jabberwocky – Nonsensical speech or writing.
- Jalopy – An old car in a dilapidated condition.
- Jape – A practical joke.
- Jiggery-pokery – Deceitful or dishonest behavior.
Funny Words Starting With K
- Kerfuffle – A disturbance or fuss caused by a disagreement.
- Kerplunk – A sound made by something heavy falling into the water.
- Klutz – A clumsy person.
- Knickknack – A small, worthless object.
Hilarious Words Starting With L
- Lickety-split – At great speed; quickly.
- Lollygag – To spend time aimlessly; idle.
- Lugubrious – Looking or sounding sad and dismal.
Funny Words Starting With M
- Malarkey – Meaningless talk; nonsense.
- Miffed – Annoyed or offended.
- Mishmash – A confused mixture.
- Mumbo-jumbo – Nonsensical or pretentious language.
Hilarious Words Starting With N
- Nabob – A wealthy, influential person.
- Nincompoop – A foolish or silly person.
- Noodge – To pester or nag someone.
- Noodle – A person’s head.
Funny Words Starting With O
- Oomph – Personal charm or magnetism; energy; vitality.
- Oxymoron – A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.
Hilarious Words Starting With P
- Pandemonium – Wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.
- Peckish – Slightly hungry.
- Piffle – Nonsense.
- Poppycock – Nonsense, foolish talk.
Funny Words Starting With Q
- Quibble – To argue over petty things.
- Quip – A witty remark.
Hilarious Words Starting With R
- Rambunctious – Uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous.
- Razzmatazz – Elaborate or showy activity designed to attract attention.
- Rigmarole – A lengthy and complicated procedure.
Funny Words Starting With S
- Shenanigan – Mischief; prankish activity.
- Skedaddle – To leave hurriedly.
- Smorgasbord – A buffet offering a variety of foods and dishes.
- Snafu – A chaotic or confused situation.
- Snickerdoodle – A type of cookie with cinnamon sugar.
- Squabble – A noisy quarrel about something petty or trivial.
Hilarious Words Starting With T
- Thingamajig – An object whose name the speaker cannot recall.
- Tittle-tattle – Gossip; idle talk.
- Tomfoolery – Foolish or silly behavior.
- Topsy-turvy – Upside down; in utter confusion or disorder.
Funny Words Starting With U
- Ungainly – Awkward, clumsy.
- Upsy-daisy – An exclamation encouraging a child who has fallen or is being lifted.
Hilarious Words Starting With V
- Vamoose – To depart quickly.
- Vex – To make someone feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
- Vuvuzela – A long horn blown by fans at soccer matches.
Funny Words Starting With W
- Whippersnapper – A young and inexperienced person considered to be presumptuous or overconfident.
- Whirligig – An object that spins or whirls.
- Whoop-de-doo – Noisy and exuberant celebration.
- Widdershins – In a direction contrary to the sun’s course, considered as unlucky; counterclockwise.
- Wobble – Move unsteadily from side to side.
Hilarious Words Starting With X
- Xenophobia – Fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers.
Funny Words Starting With Y
- Yahoo – A rude, noisy, or violent person.
- Yakety-yak – Talk that is repetitive and meaningless.
- Yammer – To talk loudly and persistently.
- Yodel – To sing with rapid pitch changes between a natural voice and falsetto.
- Yadda yadda – Boring or empty talk.
Hilarious Words Starting With Z
- Zephyr – A gentle, mild breeze.
- Zigzag – A pattern created from a series of sharp turns or angles.
- Zilch – Nothing; zero.
- Zonked – Completely exhausted.
Final Thoughts
Finding humor isn’t limited to snappy jokes or clever punchlines. It’s also hidden in the delightful dance of language itself. English boasts an eclectic array of comical words that can send us into laughter and brighten our mood. These words range from the bizarre and baffling to the downright goofy. They sprinkle a dash of enchantment into our dialogues and draw grins from ear to ear. Whether you’re a word nerd or just looking to inject fun into your day, these laugh-inducing words will do the trick.
Now that you’re armed with this joyful lexicon weave it into your conversations and text messages or use it as an ice-breaker to get everyone around you chuckling. Language is an ever-evolving playground, and having fun with words is a fantastic way to keep it vibrant and entertaining.
Kick off your day on a cheerful note! Swing by for a dose of the funniest and quirkiest news around. It’s sure to bring a smile to your face! Why not sharing with us on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram?
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