Mail.Ru Group

To the attention of all gamers, pencils and sympathizers. April 23 in the Moscow office Mail.Ru Group will be an open great game D & D Epics: Relics of Khundrukar (Relic Kundrakar) from the organizers of the festival Rollekon. We invite everyone to participate, the admission is free. The game is designed for the characters of the initial levels, so that beginners will have an excellent opportunity to try the organized play format in the D & D Adventurers League program.
But if you want to play a hero above the first level, you will have to show the registered character and the DCI number. You do not have this? No problem, you can choose the Persian from the basic options and register it on the spot. To get on the game, pre-register and fill out a short questionnaire. The game legend is read under the cut.
Two centuries ago, the dwarven Master Blacksmith Dargeddin the Black, pursued by the orcish horde, arrived at the Stone Tooth, a forested hill in the middle of the World Ridge northwest of Mirabar. And there, in the depths of the mountain, Dargheddin founded Kundrakar.
For a century the fortress flourished until the enemies of Dargheddin knew about its whereabouts, hitherto hidden from them. Soon a huge army of trolls and orcs from the tribe of Many Arrows besieged Kundrakar and after the bloody battle, which lasted more than one day, seized him. The victors sacked the fortress and left it empty.
But in the last few years the situation has changed – the forces of the Zornbane duergar clan built a small outpost in the Underdark in a few hours from the Stone Tooth. Zornbane’s agents soon discovered and appropriated the foundry Kundrakar, as evidenced by the reports of scouts and adventurers. Everything indicates that they were able to take possession of Kundrakar’s ancient weapons, as well as secret drawings of the Master-Kuznets himself! And it is not surprising that the Council of Shining Stones, Lords of Mirabar, would give much for the return of their long-lost treasures.
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Address of the Mail.Ru Group: Leningradsky Prospekt 39, p. 79 (Do not forget to take the passport for the pass). Come! We begin at 11 o’clock. There will be two games (in the morning from 12:00 to 15:00 and in the afternoon from 16:00 to 19:00), as well as a single block from 12:00 to 18:00. For more information, see the festival website.