
So, dear readers, after seven months of viewing the series in English, I decided to finally write a review of the best, on My opinion, the series for learning English.
In general, initially the idea of watching serials seemed to me stupid and banal, but then I found for myself in this process certain advantages. Here are some of them.
1. The series is usually short, lasting 20-30 minutes. This is convenient when you need to work through the series several times.
2. Series, looking, of course, which are deprived of a special mental load. You can safely immerse yourself in identifying new words and phrases, not really pondering the essence of what is happening.
3. In the series, again, mostly a lot of colloquial, slang speech. This is useful for those who have a goal to pump exactly spoken language.
4. In the series, the speech is alive, as close as possible to the usual speech of native speakers. “As close as possible” because I am correcting that the actors have the right diction and the perfect pronunciation of words, it is quite easy to understand them, but when talking with some native speakers it is not always clear what they are saying.
5. I do not know how for you, but for me it’s a plus. Some American TV shows are really fun. Understanding jokes for me is a motivation to continue to look and understand further.
Here are some recommendations for watching TV shows:
If you experience difficulties in reading fast in English, and do not feel very confident when reading something in English, then you should start watching Serials with RUSSIAN subtitles. Yes, I understand, the way is so-so, but for entry and acclimatization it will be fine. Using this method, it will be easier for you to understand and identify unknown words, which will be at the very beginning, very much.
Then go to the option of viewing with English subtitles. Plus, you not only listen to English speech, but also read. But on this option, too, too long to sit up is not worth it.
Next, of course, viewing without any subtitles. You will already learn by ear to identify unfamiliar words and try to understand the essence of what has been said already from the context of HEARED, not read. That for the perception of speech by ear is much more useful than just reading and listening.
Here’s my way of watching TV shows.
I first watch a series with English subtitles, translate words that I do not understand, and then put them into a dictionary. Next, I watch the series WITHOUT subtitles, I check whether it’s clear to me and whether it’s comfortable for me to watch, write down the phrases I like and try to pronounce them as well as actors do. I remember I liked so much Joey’s key phrase from the series “Friends”, “How are you doing?”, That I worked it on the guy who was staring at me in the hall while I was doing the squat. I said it with the same intonation as Joey. The guy did not understand the humor, apparently like the phrases, but he did not stare anymore.
Of course, all those phrases you teach should be used in a real conversation with native speakers (how to find the natives I described here). For if you do not use it you lose it.
Actually, here is the list of serials, which, in my opinion, it is pleasant and useful to watch.
1. Of course, “Friends”. I will not depart from the classics. Yes. Friends like starting watching TV series in English – a very good option. This series is good because the dialogues are very simple, the actors’ speech is clear, not very fast, the words are also quite simple. In general, the series is funny, it’s nice to watch. On the Internet, it’s quite easy to find it.
2. After watching “Friends” on a wave of excitement, I started watching the series “Joey.” Yes Yes. About this fabulous asshole shot a whole series, though short, only 2 seasons of 20 episodes. The series is not as funny and pleasant as Friends, but for the study of dialogues is not bad.
3. Further, I decided to rise a step higher. I started watching Seinfeld. The show is great! No stupid humor, funny jokes. BUT! The speech is fluent, jokes specific, it was rather difficult to understand which in the first series.
4. “How I met your mother” is also a pretty good series. Good jokes are few, but again for working off words and phrases will go.
5. “Lie to me” with Tim Roth is very good. The series is replete with different specific terms. Speech is fast. Many words from the list of recommended words for the TOEFL. Watching it is interesting and not just for the sake of TOEFL.
6. Fans of pure British English will like the series “Downton Abbey”. A pure Britannic speech, full of phrasal verbs and idioms.
7. “King of the hill” I can not ignore this American animated series. He is so simple and cool, that this and bribes. I think many of you will like the hard worker Hank, the morons Dale and Beal and what a challenge to understand Bumhauer’s speech.
8. “The Simpsons” also will not pass by. There is nothing to comment on here. Just watch.
9. “Futurama” to the same place.
10. “South park!” Yes! To fans of a mat and vulgar humor, a hardcore and thrash to look necessarily.
11. Poirot, Agatha Christie – still for me a low-rise challenge. For words and phrases are quite difficult to understand, in addition, Poirot himself speaks with a French accent, which at times complicates the understanding of speech. The downside is that if you do not understand one word, you can miss the whole point of the above sentence, and since there are a lot of incomprehensible words for me personally, it’s almost impossible to understand anything at all. It’s a habit to rewind one and the same sentence many times and analyze its meaning.
12. Not much better in this regard, the series “Murder she wrote”. Although the series itself is quite complex in terms of speech, the complexity of words and language, but everyone speaks pure, academic English and without a French accent.
You can not get attached to this list, but watch other, themed series. The level of all the above series is about the same. Equal colloquial speech, only somewhere turns more complicated and jokes, like, for example, in the series Seinfeld, but somewhere, like, for example, in friends, it’s easier. Personally, I recommend watching for the study of English is comedy, as they are most difficult to understand.
If you know a show that looks like Sainfield, please write in the comments, I’ll look with pleasure.