Even if you live in a calm and beautiful place, and your backyard is a real work of art with a grassy lawn, a swing and an artificial pond, you should not believe that you managed to be 100% shielded from the dangers.
Nature is beautiful and deadly at the same time, and the deadly danger can lie in wait for us where it is expected to last. We have prepared for you the rating of the most deadly organisms that people mistakenly do not perceive as such.
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No one remembers the bees before the spring, but with warming, when these little creatures wake up and fill the whole district, the situation changes. One bee poses no danger, while a swarm of thousands of bees turns into a real lethal weapon.
The main cause of death in attacking bees is not their bites, but allergies, about 30 % Of adults and 40% of children are extremely severely bitten by Hymenoptera. Moreover, there is a small number of people, about 3% of the total mass, in which even the bite of one bee causes anaphylactic shock. Their utility for nature is undeniable, but according to WHO statistics, annually, bees cause at least 16,000 deaths. So do not anger the bees and not when you do not climb into their hive!
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Pale Accumulation
Of the hundreds of varieties of mushrooms growing all over the world, only a small amount is considered poisonous, and even less – deadly. But did you know that one of the most deadly mushrooms grows on the territory of Russia? This is a well-known pale toadstool, which is so easily confused with russules.

A total of 30 grams of toadstool consumed in food , Cause severe poisoning – from uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea to muscle pain, lower heart rate and loss of consciousness. In this case, the symptoms of poisoning may not appear for a long time, which does not allow you to seek medical help at the right time. Lethal outcome often occurs 8-10 days after poisoning because of renal and cardiovascular insufficiency.
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Spring is a beautiful time of the year, loved by most people and hated by those who suffer from allergies. They do not die directly from exposure to pollen, but Dutch scientists, as a result of clinical trials and studying mortality statistics in the USA for 2005-2013, concluded that the higher the level of pollen in the air, the greater the risk of exacerbation of respiratory diseases and heart diseases.
The researchers found that for 8 years on days when the amount of pollen exceeded the norm, there was an increase in mortality from pneumonia by 17% and by 6% from diseases of the heart and vascular system , And this is an additional 330 The human is daily in America alone.
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Brown hermit crochet
] This is an animal unique in its kind that “is more afraid of us, we scare it” – the hermit crawler is very shy, he always hides in dark places to avoid contact with people and other animals. Its main habitats are lofts, old boxes, garbage cans, and if you disturb the hermit and leave him no choice, you will get a bite, the consequences of which can be catastrophic.
People with strong immunity, the poison of a hermit spider usually causes extensive necrosis of soft tissues, the area of damaged skin can reach 25-30 cm. But this is curable, and with proper treatment the wound is eliminated in 3-6 months (traces and scars remain). But children and the elderly usually end a lamentable death in 60% of cases.
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Bats are the most terrible creatures on the planet in terms of the number of tolerable infections. Their bite is capable to transfer to the person more than 60 various viruses, that almost in 3 times more, than a rodent bite. Usually bats are not aggressive, but if you disturb their territory, they bite.
Rabies, Marburg viruses (affects the liver, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system – lethality from 50%) and Ebola (Provokes bleeding and shock – lethality to 90%) – the worst that bats can give us. Seek medical help at the slightest contact with them, since even their droppings that have fallen into the ground contain an infectious agent and can cause it to spread.
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The rhododendron, which has grown in coastal areas and on warm mountain ranges with more than 800 species, has now spread all over the world and has become widely used as a Decorative culture. But few people know that the rhododendron is a poisonous plant containing dangerous adromedotoxin.
Upon ingestion, the toxin inhibits the nervous system and liver, causes irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and bleeding, which in the absence Medical intervention can lead to death. Never place this plant in the reach of small children.
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Lily of the Valley
To taste the lily of the valley is not the best idea. This beautiful flower, which for many is a symbol of spring, contains cardiac glycosides – substances used in medicine for the treatment of heart failure.
When exposed to the body, glycosides increase the heart rate, but in They are a lot of poison that can cause intoxication, arrhythmia, psychotic disorders, pain in the digestive tract and respiratory disorders. When poisoning is necessary as soon as possible to rinse the stomach and take a large amount of activated carbon, thereby accelerating the rate of removal of glycosides from the body.
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The chubby
The chubby on the effect on the body is similar to a lily of the valley, it also contains cardiac glycosides (in this case digoxin), but in a much larger amount. Symptoms of poisoning – from nausea, a drop or a sharp increase in the pulse, to convulsions and hallucinations.
Who will eat chicken, you ask? The answer is simple – children who can put anything into their mouths. And given that the minimum mortal dose is 2.25 grams of flower petals, it is best not to plant it in the yard.
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Vivacity is a flower that is one of the main causes of death of cattle grazing on open fields. All parts of this plant contain a large number of alkaloids, and their composition is extremely unstable and depends not only on the species, but also on where and when the flower grew, which greatly complicates the selection of the antivenom.
The most poisonous are considered to be decorative types of animal life, the alkaloids in their composition provoke depression of the central nervous system, destruction of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, these substances are contained in the pollen of flowers, they poison bees, and the honey that they give becomes dangerous to humans deadly.
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Oleander is a beautiful shrub widely used in landscape design and as an interior decoration. When cultivating it is necessary to exercise extreme caution, since the plant contains concentrated poisonous substances – oleandrin and cornerin, which are strong allergens.
The consequences of oleander poisoning include disruption of the heart, Stop. It is noteworthy that the great commander Alexander the Great, who did not lose a single battle, lost several of his close associates because they ate meat fried on rods from oleander, which at that time did not know the antidote.
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