After days of speculation and intrigue, the enigma surrounding a floating house adrift in the San Francisco Bay has finally been unraveled.
Initially sighted on Sunday, the wood-shingled residence captured the attention of Bay Area residents as it meandered across various locations within the bay. Drawing comparisons to the iconic Pixar movie “Up,” the U.S. Coast Guard disclosed that the house was securely perched atop a floating barge, prompting widespread curiosity about its origin and purpose.
Monitoring the Curious Case of the Floating House
Now, the veil of mystery has been lifted, revealing that the floating house was the penultimate houseboat to vacate the Redwood City marina. Once a vibrant community housing over a hundred individuals, the marina faced legal challenges from neighboring residents, leading to a gradual eviction process starting in 2015.
On Tuesday, the floating house reached its new destination at the Commodore Marina in Sausalito, marking the culmination of its aquatic odyssey. Phil Hott, a Sausalito resident, shed light on the challenges encountered during the relocation, emphasizing the intricate navigation required to traverse the bay’s currents and tides.
“It was up a twisty channel, so you have to have the tide right and you have to come down without the wind blowing you into the bank,” Hott shared with NBC Bay Area. “These things are very heavy.
Then it has to travel through the Bay. And the winds and the tide changes and the current is going out. You don’t want it to drag you out to the Golden Gate Bridge.”
With its journey now complete, the once-mysterious floating house stands as a testament to the resilience of waterfront communities amidst shifting tides of urban development.
Also read, “Teddy” Bear’s Fumbling Attempt to Access Parked Police Vehicle Goes Viral
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