A flock of sheep in Greece took “eating green” to a whole new level after chowing down on a massive amount of medicinal cannabis.
The bizarre incident unfolded in Thessaly, Greece, where wildfires, heatwaves, and flooding had devastated the sheep’s usual grazing areas. Driven by a desperate search for food, the flock infiltrated a nearby greenhouse filled with cannabis plants.
Cannabis Consumed by Sheep
According to the greenhouse owner, the extreme weather had already taken a toll on his crop. Unfortunately, the sheep finished off what little remained.
“I don’t know if it’s for laughing or crying,” he told local media. “We lost almost everything to the weather, and now this! The sheep just went in and ate what was left.”
The hungry herbivores managed to devour a staggering 100kg of cannabis before leaving the scene. The shepherd, upon discovering his flock’s woolly escapade, noticed some unusual behavior. “They were jumping higher than goats, which never happens,” he said, describing the sheep’s post-cannabis antics.
This isn’t the first time the munchies have led to a missing stash. Back in 2022, Indian police found themselves in a sticky situation when nearly 200kg of confiscated weed vanished from a police station.
The officers, facing a court case, claimed “fearless mice” had devoured the evidence in storage. Judge Sanjay Chaudhary, seemingly unsurprised, commented, “Rats are tiny animals and they have no fear of the police. It’s difficult to protect the drugs from them.”
While recreational marijuana use is illegal in India, some Hindu practices allow for the use of bhang, a cannabis extract. However, in Greece, the sheep’s high jinx has left the cannabis farmer with a lighter crop and a story that’s sure to become a legend among local shepherds.
Also read, Jeffrey the Llama Makes Break for Freedom to Avoid Dental Exam.
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