According to the statistics of the road accident statistics for the regions for 9 months of last year only in Moscow and the region on the roads affected about 400 cyclists.
20 The road accident ended deadly.
Similar statistics in the same source can be found for other large regions.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, it seems that almost one hundred percent of cases do not do without injuries, the severity of which is not specified. Also, it should be added that for the specified period of time, 17 children died in road accidents involving bicyclists: statistics – total.
Among the reasons in the first place the situation, when you turn the car to the right. 9% of the collision occurs when the car doors are opened, another part is maneuvers: detour and overtaking.
Of course, in some cases, difficult to say who is right and who is wrong, who was inattentive, and so on. N. And, of course, no one says that it was “all because of the headphones.” And yet …
In the comments to one of our collections rightly remarked that doing sports in headphones is not very safe if it is a question of cycling, running outside of enclosed space. And we, of course, do not wish evil to anyone.
Currently, there are several convenient, yes, not the cheapest offers that increase the sense of security of those who prefer to train to music. Again, I must say that not all run or ride in the headphones, but many. Some, as it was explained in the comments here, attach to the bicycle Bluetooth-speakers.
However, the headsets somehow remain a common accessory for the runner or bicyclist, providing, in addition to the musical accompaniment, quick access to the answer to the call.
Often these are “droplets”. Convenient, cheap, and a good sound. Unfortunately, headphones are such an accessory that, on the one hand, does not tolerate compromises: first of all, there should be a decent sound. But here: who chooses what.
Bragi HeadPhones
Well, the “droplets” can also be safe. An example is the ability to update and cheaper version of Bragi
This is a headphone of the relatively new trend categories truly wireless, or completely wireless, and -. Not – they do not fall out of your ears.
Their feature and opening is the “audio transparency” function. With the help of external microphones, they can capture and amplify external sounds, “superimposing” them on top of what you are listening to. Spectacular, unusual, but somehow the connection with the outside world does not go away.
has similar capabilities sports headset Samsung IconX. By the way, its characteristics should be supplemented with a number of warnings: a weak battery, which will discharge most likely before the final of training, if you use music, the transparency function and heart rate monitor. Bit helps Case poverbank.
Sport earphones armbands RunPhones
They allow you to remain receptive to external sound due to the absence of any Noise reduction. The bandage adjoins though and densely, but does not cover an acoustical channel so that completely you to isolate. Indeed, it is audible.
You can learn about what is inside here. You might want to make them yourself. Plus, dressing perfectly absorbs sweat
The radical solution – veloshlem with speakers
Livall offers its own solution: Smart helmet with a controller that we were unpacking for you
In addition to features the headset, there is an important for a cyclist diode lights and direction indicator.
sets with Bone conduction of sound also play the role of “safe”. For this, they, in fact, were created.
They do not cover their ears, they allow you to control music and answer calls without getting a smartphone. Microphones filter and screen out some of the noise, so that the bicyclist can be heard even at speed.
It should be noted that in professional sports everything, of course, is much tougher. For example, in some cases there are strict restrictions on the use of any kind of equipment at all. Somewhere it is said about the ban for athletes who claim to win prizes.
Also with initiatives to prohibit headphones for cyclists appeared on the website of the “Public Russian Initiative”. However, in all, less than 1000 signatures were collected: 816 – “for” at 747 – “against.”
Be careful on the roads, regardless of which side of the windshield you are on!