A 40-year-old man from Michigan, United States, divorced his wife in 2016 when he was about 37 years old, and after the divorce was finalized, he decides to return to his parents’ home, carrying all of his belongings.
He lived there with his parents for almost a year and managed to completely reorganize his life and overcome his divorce. When he left his parents’ house to move and live on his own in his new home, he hoped that his parents would send to his new home all the belongings he had not been able to bring with him.
His parents delivered the rest of his belongings back to him, but he realized that something was missing, and that left him extraordinarily upset with his parents.
Whatever it was missing, it had an important sentimental value for the man and he was shocked when he learned what his parents had done with the twelve boxes containing movies and pornographic magazines, as well as two other boxes that had all kinds of sex toys, and just in case you’re wondering… the parents just threw it all away.
The man asked his parents why they threw all of the boxes away, and they simply said that they were doing it for his own sake, the man decided to report his parents to the authorities, he sent to the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office about 44 emails. Very weird!
One needs to admire the persistence and persistence of this man, albeit, is it worth it? Yes, in fact, since the man’s pornography collection was valued at $29,000. It’s not hitting the jackpot, but it seems alright, anyone could at least understand his anger just a little bit.
Not receiving an answer from the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office, the man decided to sue his parents and take them to court so that his parents would compensate him financially for the loss of his collection of pornography that not only had great sentimental value to him but also an economic one. The compensation he is asking for is about $87,000, three times the value of the entire pornography collection itself.
The lawsuit has already been filed in the state of Indiana, which is where the parents are living. It is only a matter of time before the court reaches a decision in this weird, bizarre, and odd story.
Any comment? Do you think this man is right to sue his parents?