Connecticut bear incident: A harrowing encounter with wildlife unfolded in Connecticut last week when a black bear and her two cubs found themselves trapped inside a car. The incident, which occurred on the morning of July 15, left the vehicle in a state of disarray.
The startled homeowner discovered the bear family inside their car, creating a scene of chaos. The bears thrashed about, setting off the car’s horn and radio. A third cub was seen wandering around the property, adding to the homeowner’s distress.
Bear Family Invades Connecticut Car in Major Incident
State environmental conservation police were called to the scene to handle the situation. Officers successfully coaxed the bears out of the vehicle, allowing the family to escape unharmed into the nearby woods. However, the car’s interior suffered extensive damage from the ordeal.
This incident is indicative of a growing trend in Connecticut. The state’s black bear population has been steadily increasing, leading to more frequent encounters with humans. In addition to this incident, a woman was bitten by a bear in Cheshire, and another bear was fatally struck by a car in Torrington.
To prevent similar incidents, state officials are urging residents to secure their homes and vehicles. And to avoid leaving food or other attractants outdoors. “Always keep your car doors locked if bears occur in your area and never allow them easy access to human-sourced food,” said Ethan Van Ness, a senior adviser at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
The Connecticut bear incident serves as a reminder that the state continues to grapple with an expanding bear population, it is essential for residents to coexist peacefully with wildlife while taking necessary precautions to ensure their safety.
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