MyViralBox Staff

528 Articles

YouTube disables ads on channels with fewer than 10,000 views / Geektimes

YouTube On April 6, 2017, the YouTube administration announced that channel owners…

MyViralBox Staff

The sinister BrickerBot turns IoT gadgets into "brick" / Geektimes

Gadgets What is the "brick", in which gadgets sometimes turn, know by…

MyViralBox Staff

Possibly domestication of modern wolves / Geektimes

wolves Domestication of animals is a mutual relationship with people who have…

MyViralBox Staff

Filling the firmware in STM32 via USB / Geektimes

Firmware In my project, I use the STM32F103C8 microcontroller and the stm32duino…

MyViralBox Staff

Is Hawking-Milner's StarShot possible? / Geektimes

Hawking-Milner StarShot possible Common sense suggests that for a flight to another…

MyViralBox Staff

What is the "Wow" signal? [Fraser Cain] / The blog of the company Vert Dider / Geektimes

In 1977, the radio astronomer Gerry Eyman viewed the observations from the…

MyViralBox Staff

The Shadow Brokers Group published new exploits NSA / Geektimes

Shadow EASYSTREET (rpc.cmsd): remote Ruth for Solaris, one of the published exploits…

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Alizar has typed 5000 publications on Geektimes / Geektimes

Alizar Today is the red day of the calendar, the alizar hrabrium,…

MyViralBox Staff