The basis of the proposed development is liquid colloidal systems (ultrathin suspensions that do not precipitate into sediment) synthesized in NITU “MISiS”, consisting of high-energy nanoparticles of iron, zinc, titanium and other metals oxides ranging in size from 1 to 3 nm
The main problems that dentists face when installing seals are the active formation of colonies of pathogenic bacteria at the junction of the filling material and dentin (tooth tissue under the enamel) of the tooth, as well as the formation of microcracks and microcavities in technical Which shrinkage fillings. Known to many patients the phenomenon – a seal after a few years falls out, and under it is found even more defeat caries than before treatment. Even if all technological procedures are observed on the border of the seal, a micro gap is formed over time, where microorganisms actively multiply. A complicating factor is that the tooth dentin is a hydrophilic (water-wetting) material, and the seal, on the other hand, consists of hydrophobic (water repellent) substances.
] Nanomaterial protecting seals from caries.
Research conducted by the research team showed that despite the ultra-low concentrations of metals contained in disperse systems – not more than 0.1 mg / l, that is 10-7 g per 1 liter of water – they have a long bactericidal effect in relation to miklofl Which is responsible for the development of caries. Such nano-additives can give prolonged antiseptic properties to dental materials used in the preparation and installation of the seal. The task of these materials is to ensure good adhesion (adhesion) of the filling material and the tissue of the restored tooth. The presence of colloidal metal particles and metal oxides in their composition improves adhesion, significantly reduces the shrinkage of the seal upon curing, and at the same time prevents the appearance and reproduction of pathogenic microbes causing caries, and thereby significantly delay or make unnecessary the next trip to the dentist to replace the seal.
In medicine, the problem today is to find fundamentally new drugs with high antibacterial activity, which would allow to reduce the resistance (y Persistence) of pathogenic microorganisms in relation to natural and medicinal antibiotics. “ We assume that the mechanism of destruction of a microbial cell under the action of colloidal nanosystems created by us resembles the action of antibacterial enzymes of the hydrolase class, which destroy the bacterial walls by hydrolysis. Such enzymes in relatively high concentrations are contained in the places of contact of the body with the environment – saliva, mucus of the nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract, breast milk. Their action leads to the process of lysis (destruction of cells into fragments) and death of the pathogenic cell. Apparently, nanoparticles of metal oxides act as a catalyst for hydrolases, which eventually leads to destruction of peptide and glycosidic bonds of cell walls and membranes. Under their action, the mechanism of “self-destruction” of pathogenic bacteria is included. At the present time, the composition is used at the dental department at the Kirov State Medical University “the head of the scientific group, the assistant professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the NITU” MISIS “Georgy Frolov .
George Frolov
Obtained nanoparticles in dental materials have a unique property – they work as antibiotics, but without side effects, that is, they inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms, while Show E studies, in most cases do not inhibit the vital activity of the natural microflora, and do not affect the cells of the body tissues. In the material received, the scientific team solved the long-standing problem of “spending” antibacterial composition, which reacts chemically and is actually spent, and it is impossible to add it to the sealed tooth.
“ Development of scientists NITU” MISiS “in fact is a technological revolution in dentistry, as it represents dental composites of the new, sixth generation. At the interface of phase separation, this material creates a non-limited in time bactericidal effect, and more than 40% improves the adhesive adhesion of the filling with the tooth tissue. Antibacterial additive can be used not only in the composition of the seal, but also in the adhesive, in composites, etching materials, interlayers, implants and in the compounds for hermetic sealing of dental fissures. In all formats, it creates a superficial and voluminous antibacterial effect in the operated areas and ultimately prolongs the life of the fillings and implants. In our clinic, the drug has been used successfully since September 2016 “the project participant emphasized, the chief doctor of the clinic” Rosend “, Ph.D. Yakov Karasenkov .
Yakov Karasenkov
The complex researches begun in 2014 are an example of effective public-private partnership in The introduction of new innovative technologies. As the main customer and co-investor of the development, one of the largest domestic manufacturers of dental materials, OOO StomaDent, has already produced innovative dental composites based on the developed products. Composite filling nano-hybrid material was registered by Roszdravnadzor in 2016. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation became co-investor of the project, which financed 50% of the cost of exploratory research within the framework of the federal program “Research and development in priority areas of development of the Russian research complex.”