
I assume that at the present time, few people are chasing free gigabytes in cloud data stores. Judging by myself, I have decided for quite a long time 32gb with the one that suits me and purchased a sufficient tariff for $ 2 per month.
But still I keep some information (for example, different three-dimensional video courses that I hope to see one day) on Other services, and in such situations, a couple of tens of gigabytes will not be superfluous.
And in any case, it’s always nice to get something for free, even if you do not really need it.
So I did not miss the opportunity to get 32GB on Yandex.Disk. Especially, given that it is extremely easy to do this. You just need to download the application and upload at least one photo.
The promotion lasts until July 3.
The address of the promo page: yandex.ru/set/lp/disk-32gb/0